What is Therapy & how does it work?
In the broadest sense, therapy should help us manifest the life we want, no holds barred – a life of passion, purpose, balance and joy.
However, psychotherapy is often difficult to define because it is such an individualized process. What we actually do together varies based on the presenting problems and what modalities you are interested in trying. I have many different tools at my disposal to help address the issues and concerns we talk about (see Work With Me). My job is to listen carefully and deeply to what you may need and to support you in making the changes that will enhance your life.
Therapy can teach us how to manage and tolerate the full range of human emotion - leading to a sense of greater "aliveness". Not only can therapy help us feel better, but it helps us improve our relationships, reduce stress, find balance, and manage the details of our lives.
An Open, Honest Rapport
I genuinely believe in an open and honest rapport where the client feels free to raise any and all issues or concerns about any aspect of our work together. Establishing trust and safety is essential for healing, growth and transformation. Clients appreciate my deep-rooted non-judgmental attitude, as well as my strong compassion and warmth.
Weekly Sessions
Generally I see clients weekly. Since consistency is essential to the therapeutic process, a regular weekly time is reserved just for you.
Where are you located?
I have an office in Accord New York in The Hudson Valley. I also work online.
Therese is equally effective with children and adults, offering a unique blend of spiritually-based psychotherapy. She is my first choice for client referrals.”
how do I find a good therapist?
When searching for a therapist, trust your intuitive self to know if it's a good fit. Ultimately, there are many effective ways to work – but it is the relationship that is primary. Trust yourself. If the connection doesn't seem right, bring this up with your therapist and see how s/he handles it. There may be a clinical issue that needs to be addressed. Or, there may simply not be a strong enough connection to create the kind of safety that good therapy requires.
do you take insurance?
I carry the highest professional acknowledgement offered by New York State, which is licensure. This is the credential required for insurance reimbursement. Clients with out-of-network options on their insurance plans submit my bills for direct reimbursement from their insurance companies. Insurance companies pay 50-80% of what is considered a customary and reasonable fee. There have never been any challenges to my fee from an insurance company.