“Therese has been one if my greatest supporters and champions on my journey back to discovering my innate wholeness. Her kind and loving presence as well as invaluable guidance and expressive arts modalities have helped me through even the darkest and lightest of times. Without her I would not be the woman I am today, nor would I have the levels of fulfillment, joy, deep love and presence that I experience daily. She has been one of the most tremendous gifts of my life and I highly recommend her!”
“Therese has been a dependable guiding light from our first session when I was broken with grief and alone in a new community. Whether helping to interpret dreams or problem solve a specific situation, she is fully present. She helped guide my family and me in the spring of 2014 when I had a surprise manic episode. An essential part of my healing and recovery, Therese has always held the episode in its most hopeful light while at the same time helping me ground anew in my self, my relationships, and my activities. I can rely on her warmth, her loving acceptance, and her wide palette of approaches that never fail to move me beyond words into pathways for deeper integration. ”
“I had just gone through a painful divorce and I was worried about the effects on my children. My 9 year old daughter was slightly anxious, tearful, and rageful. The hardest part was that she was keeping it all in and not telling me anything that was happening for her. She was quiet in school and wasn’t sure how to advocate for herself. Through her work with Therese, I watched my daughter begin to find her voice and gain strength, power and confidence that I never knew she possessed. The unfolding of this courageous, powerful young girl was the best gift anyone could ever have given to me. Therese lovingly and gently guided my daughter through her darkest and saddest times, giving her the voice she needed to heal and to find her way. I am forever grateful as is my daughter and I continue to refer people to Therese almost weekly! She is truly a gifted clinician and I feel so lucky that we have her in our corner if we ever need to see her again. ”
“Therese’s great skill lies in her deep wisdom, compassionate heart, and skillful guidance. Her interactive approach combines deep and intuitive listening with warmth and engagement.”
“In my work with Therese, I have experienced substantive change but her greatest gift is her ability to listen deeply and intuitively, with profound non-judgment.”
“Therese Bimka’s creative, compassionate presence has been an essential part of my life for over 8 years. She is a gifted care provider, using dynamic therapeutic approaches involving body, mind and spirit.
As a full-time minister and spiritual leader, her care and wisdom has guided me towards deeper emotional
and spiritual well-being as well as personal fulfillment. ”
“Theresa Bimka is that rare breed of psychotherapist that combines clinical acumen with the ability to think and work ‘out of the box,’ while also bringing great care, compassion, and creativity to the art of listening. Trained in several creative and experiential modalities, Therese’s work with children and her work with adolescents and adults engage the imagination to foster change and deepen their experience of being human.
“Therese is equally effective with children and adults, offering a unique blend of spiritually-based psychotherapy. She is my first choice for client referrals.”
“If you are planning to work with Therese Bimka as a client or student, you will not find an ordinary psychotherapist tucked away on a couch on the third floor of a professional building. You will instead find an exceptional, multi-talented person ready to energize your life with brand new out-of-the-box ways of looking at things.
Her sharp intellect, skill, engagement, and extensive experience allow you to experience your own counseling as a private “life classroom”, where you are invited to delve deeply into your own thinking and are given many brand new tools, experiences, and thought-provoking questions to dive deep within. But most of all, you will find someone with a truly Kind Heart. You will find someone who has had abundant, poignant, and powerful life experiences, which have enriched her soul with a great compassion and appreciation for the suffering and brilliance of others.”
“Therese Bimka has been a trusted colleague and friend for the past 15 years. Through the peer supervisory process and shared client experiences, I have come to know Ms. Bimka’s work very well. Her psychotherapeutic work with children, adolescents, and adults has been exemplary. She works efficiently, effectively, and creatively with even the most difficult and complex clients. She is warm and able to establish rapport easily. She is also extremely well organized and responsible. It is without reservation that I recommend Therese to you as a therapist.”
“Therese is a person of extraordinary intelligence, integrity, dedication, wisdom and warmth. Her studies, knowledge, and experience are rooted in diverse traditions and modalities. She seems to be propelled by an enthusiasm for helping to create balance, peace and understanding within people and in the world. Therese provides a wide array of psychological, experiential and creative experiences that assist people in understanding themselves and discovering their own wisdom. At One Spirit, Therese has created a unique and richly layered model for successfully training Spiritual Counselors that could ignite the whole field of counseling. Therese Bimka is a person you would want to know, collaborate with and consult with as a clinician or teacher.”
“A great teacher can transform the information on a page into a rich and integrated experience, and Therese Bimka demonstrates her ability to do this semester after semester as she gently brings spiritual counseling to life. Therese has a powerful way of teaching and relating, and delivered a curriculum that instilled the confidence to enter this work fully and deeply. Upon completion of the program, I have embraced spiritual counseling as my vocation ~ grateful for the passion, creativity and fulfillment I’ve gained through my experience with Therese and the One Spirit Interspiritual Counseling program. If you have the opportunity to journey with Therese, take it: you are in for a real treat.
“Therese works intuitively from a deep well of imagining life anew, flowing with the stream of awakening. I find her deeply warm, compassionate, wise and her ability to connect and tune into others’ needs, with a listening heart, providing insights, is a wonderful example of Spiritual Counseling.”